Month: April 2023

laptop computer on glass-top table

Your role in application security

What do you consider when you think of the applications you use at work?

group of people standing on brown floor

Changing my relationship with my phone

Content warning: I do briefly talk about addiction in this post. I’d like to add a further disclaimer that I don’t write this to judge anyone else’s habits, I’m just documenting my own concerns and making changes I want to see in myself. If it helps someone else make a positive change, great!

When I was about eight years old, my parents brought home our first family computer. I was absolutely terrified of doing something wrong on it, and yet here I am 25 years later with a career in IT.

a laptop computer sitting on top of a desk

On decentralisation and accessibility

When Elon purchased Twitter and started making fundamental changes, I joined the exodus to Mastodon.

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